Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Softwood and Insite

Imagine, if you will, a country governed by a political apparatus and claque that deems it appropriate to play a harder style of ball with it's own citizens, corporate and civil, than it does with the country's main international trading partner, a partner which is almost globally acknowledged to be duplicitous with regards to international trade.

Well, I suppose it makes sense if you believe, as I do, that the political apparatus and claque I speak of places a very high value on their ability as a governing organization to strong-arm people, irrespective of what those people may wish for themselves.

As we shall see next month when they do away with Insite, the supervised safe injection site, in Vancouver's downtown east side.

There's just been too much support of Insite expressed by the BC government, the City of Vancouver, the medical profession, the police and so on for the Conservatives to handle.

They will have to force it to close just to prove that they have the power.

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