Sunday, February 13, 2011

The man who would be President

Stephen Harper wants his own permanent prime ministerial widebody transport aircraft. This ain't no Challenger VIP but a dual use CC150 (Airbus), which can serve as a troop transport and as VIP aircraft. 

"A member of the PCO staff has again asked if CC150001 can be designated a VIP-only AC (aircraft) and be repainted in the GoC (Government of Canada) colours by June," says another internal document.
The staff were asking for a new paint job to be completed by June 10 last year, apparently to spruce up the aircraft in time for the G8 and G20 summits later that month in Huntsville, Ont., and Toronto.
MacKay's office again rejected the request, on April 15 last year, but the prime minister's staff persisted.

For the G8/G20? What, so the rest of the international political elite can marvel and envy at the posh aircraft the current resident of 24 Sussex has at his disposal? Or as the case may be, most of that cohort more impressed by competence than baubles.

I'd never thought I'd say this but kudos to Airshow if reports are true and he actually told the PM and PCO to get fucked. It is also nice to see in house resistance.
What next from our Stephen? Renaming his office to something more, regal sounding? Oh, when might we be rid of this insufferable man?


Alison said...

I find it disgusting that Harpie impugns the patriotism of Michael Ignatieff, while he himself worships at the feet of everything American and Presidential.

Niles said...

Be disgusted at the people who buy what he's selling about Ignatieff *and all the other Canadians who dare to spend much of their working lives abroad.

Before he became PM, did Harper travel anywhere outside of Canada that wasn't the US? And when he was in the US, was he ever saying anything complimentary about Canada?